
  • over 30 years of experience
  • leader in 3 countries (CZ, HU,RO)
  • revenues 238 mil.€

annual turnover

238 mil.€ EBITDA 23 mil.€

number of employees

1.300 employees

printed amount of paper p.a.

about 206.000 tons of paper


7 locations in 5 countries

Founded in Passau in 1992, the eds.group (Euro-Druckservice GmbH) is one of the largest European printing holding companies and market leader in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.

We share a passion for printing. The eds.group actively prints in heatset and sheet-fed offset, continuous, packaging and digital printing. In addition, we offer digital services as well as storage, fulfilment and logistics services.

Through print, we contribute to our customers’ success. It is our goal to defend and strengthen our position as the leading print service provider in Central and Eastern Europe and to live up to our motto: Quality Printing. Premium Service. From the Heart of Europe Worldwide.