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Petra Oberholzer | Group Sales Manager Publishing & Catalogues |
petra.oberholzer(at) | +49 160 470 46 44
Alicja Szyszka | Sales Scandinavia, UK, France, Austria |
alicja.szyszka(at) | +48 787 094 778
Adrian Oberholzer | Group Sales Director Publishing & Catalogues |
adrian.oberholzer(at) | +49 160 846 35 55
Frank Ehrhorn | Deputy Group Sales Director Publishing & Catalogues |
frank.ehrhorn(at) | +49 151 161 569 38
Rainer Folz | Group Sales Manager Publishing & Catalogues |
rainer.folz(at) | +49 170 537 50 25
Michael Mayer | Group Sales Manager Publishing & Catalogues |
michael.mayer(at) | +49 151 183 285 93
Guido Dichant | Group Sales Director Retail |
guido.dichant(at) | +49 172 814 45 50
Hakan Isbir | Group Sales Manager Retail |
hakan.isbir(at) | +49 151 141 090 45
Robert Vukelic | Sales Balkan |
robert.vukelic(at) | +420 731 480 123



Robert Vukelic | Sales Manager Sheetfed CEE |
robert.vukelic(at) | +420 731 480 123

Petra Oberholzer

Alicja Szyszka

Adrian Oberholzer

Frank Ehrhorn

Rainer Folz

Michael Mayer

Guido Dichant

Hakan Isbir

Robert Vukelic